Dividend or salary?

And how much?

Osinkoa vai palkkaa helps you to find the optimal amount of salary and divident in relation to the amount of taxes payable. The service is intended mainly for freelancers and sole proprietors with their own limited company (Oy) in Finland.

Start by entering basic information

Fill the 3 following fields. We calculate all possible scenarios based on this information.

The relation between salary and divident to taxes payable

The amount of salary and divident you pay have a direct relation to amount of taxes. This chart displays different scenarios and how the numbers affect each other.


Here you can see your most cost-efficient option based on the minimum net income you inputted. For comparison, you can also see the most cheapest and expensive option.

best option for you


cheapest option


most expensive option

37000 dividend
The figures calculated by the service are indicative estimates based on averages and the data collected. osinkoavaipalkkaa.fi does not take responsibility for the information calculated by the service or its accuracy. The user of the service is responsible for the use of the information provided by the service.

The information entered by users into the service is not collected or stored.